Newsletter 3 - December 2024

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All the Learning Support team would like to wish our pupils

the very best of luck, and to remember to revise and rest in

equal measure!

Lunchtime Clubs

As we move into chillier weather, we now have two

separate lunchtime clubs open every day, always

supervised by a member of our SEND team. Please see

below for the rooming timetable:



















All of us in the SEND team wish you a very happy end of

term, and a wonderful Christmas and New Year break. We

look forward to being back and seeing you in January!

Mr Smith & the Learning Support department


(Special Educational Needs

and Disabilities)

Year 11 – Mock Exam

Our Year 11 pupils are currently between their first and second

sets of mock GCSE exams. Mrs Di Mascio and I met with

some learners earlier in December to talk about revision

routines and strategies, planning time during exams, and

making full use of exam support (also known as ‘access


Are you still thinking, “I don’t know how to revise”?

A few tips:

Remember that a good revision session on a topic should

last for 20-30 minutes, and you should switch to a different

topic/subject after 30 mins max.

Always produce something as a result of each 20-30

minute session- do not just read and re-read your notes!



Try making a mind map on a topic.


Time yourself completing part of the exam paper

(including extra time, if you have it).


Turn a page of a textbook or revision guide into a

spider-diagram or a page of notes.

Finally, remember that if you have extra time for exams,

ensure that you use this to add to your answer, make

changes and corrections or re-read your work thoroughly.

Similarly, you might have access to a laptop or rest breaks

– practice completing any practice tasks at home in a

similar way, so that you know what to expect on the day.

Upcoming events

Thursday, 9th January, 5pm – 7pm:

Year 9 Curriculum Evening. Mr Smith will be available on

the evening to discuss option choices with you and your


Thursday, 23rd January, 4pm – 7pm:

Year 9 Parents’ Evening. Parents/carers of pupils on our

SEND Register will be invited to make appointments with

Mr Smith in advance of the evening.

Page 9

Newsletter 3 - December 2024


I have included examples of the fabulous artwork that our Key

Stage 3 pupils are producing in their sketchbooks. Year 7 are

analysing tonality, texture, watercolour, pattern, and Japanese

ceramicist Takuro Kuwata. They are now designing their

amazing ceramic pinch pots. Year 8 pupils are designing their

coil pots in clay, studying the artwork of the Minoan dynasty,

graphic design, and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. Year 9 are

developing their natural form studies, looking at observational

nature. Year 10 Fine Art pupils are successfully working in their

sketchbooks with beautiful results, and Art Craft and Design

puils have just constructed fabulous sculptures inspired by

Kate Malone. Please do have a look at our pupils’ wonderful

artwork on the St Richard’s Art Department website here and

on X here. Thank you and keep creating!

Mr Peachment, Subject Leader of Art

The Old Chapel

Have you visited the Old Chapel recently? Things are

changing – please drop by (between A3 and the SEN OfÏce)

to see what’s new!

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