Newsletter 3 - December 2024

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Well done to Year 10 on individual successes, and

contributing to charity this term. Forms donated shoeboxes

for the Shoebox Appeal which was fantastic, and some

forms set up their own events to raise money for charities of

their choice.


Well done to Mr Dallaway’s form, 10O, who gave an

excellent and informative assembly on The Common Good

aspect of Catholic Social Teaching: ‘How to be an active and

contributing citizen in your community’. We have also had

assemblies this term on Remembrance Day, the Importance

of utilising your talents based on a parable from the Gospel,

and ‘What Your GCSE is Worth’.

Shoebox Appeal:

The Christmas Shoebox Appeal is also drawing to a close,

which constituted a monumental effort from all pupils

across the school. Thank you to all pupils and parents who

produced a shoebox. You will truly be making someone’s

Christmas that little bit happier this year. Year 10s

collectively put together 26 shoeboxes, and a big thanks to

Mr Eyre for organising this fantastic event. Well done to 10U

and 10H who donated the largest number of boxes!


This term pupils have been focusing on finances in PSHEe,

looking at different ways they can keep themselves

financially safe and healthy as they grow up and become

more independent with money. They have also been looking

at “Keeping Myself Safe” which uses anecdotes and real

experiences of young people to illustrate how pupils can

avoid dangerous situations with drugs, alcohol, knives and

gang related activities. They will end the term with a specific

focus on knives and knife crime.

Careers Talk:

Pupils who volunteered were lucky come to a talk with

Tom Booth who is the BTEC lead at Newman College,

offering a course leading to careers in adventure. Tom

talked passionately about his own career which involved

travelling around the world running various activities such as

windsurfing and paddle boarding, and then about the course

that he leads which could give the children the skills and

qualifications they need to pursue a similar route. You can

find more information here.

Individual Successes:

Well done to 10F who raised £187 for the Bexhill Food

Bank! They achieved this through the sale of items made

in the Tech department, which is fantastic. A representative

from the Food Bank came in and collected a cheque from

the pupils.

Thank you all for your support in the academic year so far.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and

healthy new year.

As we approach the end of Term 2, Year 9 continue to be an

enthusiastic, motivated and happy year group.

Year 9 can bring many challenges in the form of increased

workload, academic decisions for the future and changing

friendship groups. However, the majority of the year group

continue to meet these challenges with resilience and


Please continue to encourage your children to create

positive study habits by providing a space to work and

regular routines to complete homework. These habits

are invaluable for their later years and help to foster

independence and consistency.

We have an extensive programme of extra-curricular

activities offered at school and it would be great to see more

Year 9s attending. Prep Club continues to be available for all

pupils from 3:30 - 5pm Monday to Friday and Prep Club plus

is also available Monday to Friday until 4:30pm for those

pupils who require more support with their homework.

PSHEe: During this term, pupils have covered the topic of

exploitation and also started to explore option choices and

careers, with a focus on different pathways and options

for the future. This has also included a careers workshop

supported by the De La Warr Pavilion. Next term, the focus

will be Economic Wellbeing.

Charity events: This term, Year 9 have been involved in

the ‘Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal’. 9F raised £50 with their

photobooth and 9R raised £108 with their charity cake sale

for Warming up the Homeless. I look forward to the Year 9

Charity Ambassadors leading some further events during

Term 3.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Form

Tutor via EduLink, if you have any concerns. Have a happy,

restful and peaceful Christmas break.

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Mrs Hills, Pastoral Leader Year 9

Year 9

Mr Steele, Associate Assistant Principal,

Pastoral Leader Year 10,

Year 10

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