Newsletter 3 - December 2024

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Newsletter Number 3! As you’ll be able to see

in the following pages, it has been an extremely busy few

months since we last updated you on what we have been

up to both on site and further afield. As I write this, we’ve

had our school Christmas meal and the collection of donated

items for the Surviving Christmas charity. Huge thanks for

your contributions which have stretched all the way along the

main corridor. Such signs of kindness and generosity are

important, not just at this time of year, but also as part of our

continued dedication to Catholic Social Teaching. There are

further examples of our solidarity as a community within these


One thing that is certainly true of St Richard’s is how much

pupils and their families value their time at the school and

stay in touch beyond their days in uniform. This certainly

resonated with me during the Prize Evening earlier in the

term when we welcomed back the Year 12s to receive their

GCSE certificates. It was superb to see them all, hear how

they are progressing in their colleges and apprenticeships

and also hear from alumni about their days at St Richard’s.

As you will know if you’ve been into school, we keep the

school photographs on display as a source of inspiration

and a reminder that we are ‘always St Richard’s’ and here to

support each other.

Academically speaking, we returned after half term to now

well established routines and the challenge of the mock

examinations for Year 11. During Parents’ Evening this

week, it was wonderful to see so many families attending,

supporting the pupils and looking to glean some extra words

of encouragement and guidance before the next round of

examinations begins in the New Year. Time is very much

of the essence and as a team of staff, we are absolutely

committed to ensuring that every child fulfills their potential,

not just in Year 11, but further down the school as well. Early

November saw our School Council organising the collection

for The Royal British Legion and Remembrance, supported

by activities in every subject across November 11th as well

as our two minutes of silence. Many of you will have seen

our Remembrance display in the foyer when you came in

great numbers to support the PTFA Christmas Fayre, held

on November 16th. It was a wonderful event with the team

raising over four thousand pounds - a fantastic achievement

- which will certainly lay down the gauntlet for future events

next year. As ever, the community aspect of St. Richard’s

shone through with staff, parents, carers, PTFA, governors,

friends and pupils all having a great afternoon.

We’ve also been busy at the weekends and in the evenings

as well. The Polo Piatti musical event on Sunday, November

17th was a triumph with our choir being asked for an

extended encore at the end of the afternoon and more

recently, our German Market Trip and Ski Trip have given

pupils and staff the opportunity to travel further afield and

enjoy some time in foreign climes - and a chance to practice

those language skills.

The Herstmonceux evenings were also well supported

with the Science Team (and some keen staff astronomers)

whisking pupils off for some star gazing and celestial studies.

This is just a flavour of the trips that have been supported

this term. In Art, Mr Peachment and his team have supported

local exhibitions and also, once again, hosted the Peace

Poster Competition, judged by The Bexhill Lions - more

news of this in January. We said farewell to Fr. Simon and

greeted Fr. Stephen in mid November. I know you’ll join with

me in wishing Fr. Simon all the very best for the future and

Fr. Stephen has been richly involved already, with visits into

school and also, supported by Fr. Bruno, Fr. Chris, Fr. Kevin

and Fr. Max, undertook Advent Reconciliation across Friday

December 6th with pupils who queued and waited patiently

for their turn.

The Trinity Laban Workshops, Great St Richard’s Bake Off,

Spanish Theatre performances, Piano and Vocal Recitals

and Knockhatch Skiing lessons were more examples of our

commitment to enrichment, but the pinnacle was surely seen

during Wednesday, December 4th, when Corporal Craig

Cornielle of the British Army brought his team to serenade

Year 8 during their music lessons with festive tunes and then

answer some questions. The sounds of Mariah Carey never

sounded so loud and during lunch they continued playing

in the Hall and playground to the delight of everyone. The

same day saw us sending teams to Tanbridge in Horsham

for the English Schools National Cup and welcoming Volker

Fitzpatrick to Design and Technology whilst thirty Year 9

pupils made their way to Bexhill College for a Legally Blonde

Jr. visit. It’s safe to say that the day will live long in the


Closer to home, we continued our community work with

our support of the SVP Tea Party at St Martha’s Church

and welcomed the Young Person’s Advisory Group just this

week. As we move closer to the end of term, I look forward to

seeing as many of you as possible at our Advent Service next

Thursday (19th) at 6pm.

Just a reminder that Term 3 is due to finish for pupils at

1.15pm on Friday, December 20th. Term 4 will begin at

8.40am on Monday, January 6th. I welcome your support

in ensuring that pupils return in accordance with uniform

and appearance expectations having had a wonderful and

blessed Christmas.

With best wishes,

Paul Barber, Principal

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

A High Performing Specialist Science School

December 2024

St. Richard’s Catholic College

Ashdown Road, Bexhill-On-Sea

East Sussex TN40 1SE

Tel: 01424 731070


Principal: P Barber, NPQH, NPQEL, FCCT, BA (Hons)

Newsletter 3

The winter term is one of my favourites, with so many

wonderful festive activities taking place across the season,

from the Christmas Fayre to the Carol Service, and all the

excitement of Advent in between. Pupils are able to get into

the spirit of things with our two form assemblies run by 8F

and 8L, as well as the Christmas Jumper ‘mufti day’ in aid of

Surviving Christmas, where Year 8 pupils were encouraged

to bring a £1 and non-perishable sweets and chocolates to

help support struggling families this December.

Charity and Catholic Social Teaching

The seven key principles of Catholic Social Teaching are:

Preferential Options for the Poor, The Common Good, Care

for Creation, The Sanctity of Life, Solidarity, Rights and

Responsibilities and Dignity of Work. These values appear

across the curriculum at St. Richards and are often focused

on during form time and assemblies. In light of this and our

commitment and dedication to charity, I am so excited for

8H’s charity event taking place this term, which will hopefully

involve a Christmas sale! This will be the first form-led

charity event of Year 8 and I am certain they will set the bar


Parent Support

Thank you so much for the consistent, wonderful support

we receive from parents regarding attendance, attainment

and behaviour. We had a number of truly excellent progress

reports and I am so proud of all of our pupils - particularly

those who received a certificate for having so many ‘Good’

and ‘Excellent’ grades. The home-school agreement is

invaluable in ensuring all our pupils are supported in a fair

and safe environment, with consistent expectations across

their day. In light of this, thank you also to the numerous

parents who completed the form for extra house points

and a Christmas bottle of prosecco! I am so pleased to

announce that a winner has been chosen, so please look

out for contact home in the next few days.

Pupils of note

Huge congratulations to Emilia for performing at the ‘Music

for Youth’ Proms at the Royal Albert Hall - what an incredible

achievement! We also have some pupils who have been

awarded their ‘bronze badge’ for house points, gaining

over 200 already: Cyril, Layla, Lottie and Ava. Keep up the

brilliant work! As a year group, we have over 20,000 house

points! 8F and 8L are our form leaders with over 3,000

each, whilst 8S continues to have the best attendance, with

a class average of over 98%.

A fantastic year so far - well done and enjoy the rest with

your families.

As we approach the end of another very successful term,

I wanted to highlight why I feel that Year 7 continues to

flourish here at St Richard’s. Every morning I have a

constant stream of pupils at my door wanting to collect

their rewards for reaching a House Point milestone. What

is wonderful is that they are rarely by themselves, bringing

their friends to share their achievements. In these moments

I am blessed as I get to hear first hand of their successes

and see big smiles. It is a great way to start the school day!

Engagement in clubs is always a great indicator to see how

much pupils value their school. The percentage of pupils

attending one or more clubs weekly is at an all time high.

The Year 7s also show resilience and a real purpose daily

and I am extremely proud of them all! They are all great!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parents’/Carers’

Consultation Evening. I hope it was informative. The results

from your parental survey will be shared with you via my

pastoral emails. Hopefully, you have found the pastoral

emails useful. I now aim to send them fortnightly, rather

than weekly.

Assemblies this term have focused on different Catholic

Social Teachings and we have been exploring how we can

put ideas into action. This term we have linked the ideas

of solidarity, rights and responsibilities, the common good

and care for creation. We also had the ‘Good News for

Everyone’ (formerly Gideons Society) deliver an assembly

about their mission and pupils received their copies of The

New Testament from them.

In PSHEe next term, the pupils will be exploring the

following themes: Wellbeing and approaches to staying

healthy; Social Media with a focus of sharing images, and

visits from our Police Liaison ofÏcer on staying safe.

Thank you for your continued support and please don’t

hesitate to get in touch with either myself or your child’s

tutor if you have any worries. Have a restful festive break.

Pastoral Reports

Year 8

Year 7

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Mr Bligh

Pastoral Leader Year 7

As always, I like to share achievements in our newsletter and I want to congratulate Joana on

reaching her black belt in karate. An awesome achievement!

Mrs Murphy

Pastoral Leader Year 8

Well done to Year 10 on individual successes, and

contributing to charity this term. Forms donated shoeboxes

for the Shoebox Appeal which was fantastic, and some

forms set up their own events to raise money for charities of

their choice.


Well done to Mr Dallaway’s form, 10O, who gave an

excellent and informative assembly on The Common Good

aspect of Catholic Social Teaching: ‘How to be an active and

contributing citizen in your community’. We have also had

assemblies this term on Remembrance Day, the Importance

of utilising your talents based on a parable from the Gospel,

and ‘What Your GCSE is Worth’.

Shoebox Appeal:

The Christmas Shoebox Appeal is also drawing to a close,

which constituted a monumental effort from all pupils

across the school. Thank you to all pupils and parents who

produced a shoebox. You will truly be making someone’s

Christmas that little bit happier this year. Year 10s

collectively put together 26 shoeboxes, and a big thanks to

Mr Eyre for organising this fantastic event. Well done to 10U

and 10H who donated the largest number of boxes!


This term pupils have been focusing on finances in PSHEe,

looking at different ways they can keep themselves

financially safe and healthy as they grow up and become

more independent with money. They have also been looking

at “Keeping Myself Safe” which uses anecdotes and real

experiences of young people to illustrate how pupils can

avoid dangerous situations with drugs, alcohol, knives and

gang related activities. They will end the term with a specific

focus on knives and knife crime.

Careers Talk:

Pupils who volunteered were lucky come to a talk with

Tom Booth who is the BTEC lead at Newman College,

offering a course leading to careers in adventure. Tom

talked passionately about his own career which involved

travelling around the world running various activities such as

windsurfing and paddle boarding, and then about the course

that he leads which could give the children the skills and

qualifications they need to pursue a similar route. You can

find more information here.

Individual Successes:

Well done to 10F who raised £187 for the Bexhill Food

Bank! They achieved this through the sale of items made

in the Tech department, which is fantastic. A representative

from the Food Bank came in and collected a cheque from

the pupils.

Thank you all for your support in the academic year so far.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and

healthy new year.

As we approach the end of Term 2, Year 9 continue to be an

enthusiastic, motivated and happy year group.

Year 9 can bring many challenges in the form of increased

workload, academic decisions for the future and changing

friendship groups. However, the majority of the year group

continue to meet these challenges with resilience and


Please continue to encourage your children to create

positive study habits by providing a space to work and

regular routines to complete homework. These habits

are invaluable for their later years and help to foster

independence and consistency.

We have an extensive programme of extra-curricular

activities offered at school and it would be great to see more

Year 9s attending. Prep Club continues to be available for all

pupils from 3:30 - 5pm Monday to Friday and Prep Club plus

is also available Monday to Friday until 4:30pm for those

pupils who require more support with their homework.

PSHEe: During this term, pupils have covered the topic of

exploitation and also started to explore option choices and

careers, with a focus on different pathways and options

for the future. This has also included a careers workshop

supported by the De La Warr Pavilion. Next term, the focus

will be Economic Wellbeing.

Charity events: This term, Year 9 have been involved in

the ‘Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal’. 9F raised £50 with their

photobooth and 9R raised £108 with their charity cake sale

for Warming up the Homeless. I look forward to the Year 9

Charity Ambassadors leading some further events during

Term 3.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Form

Tutor via EduLink, if you have any concerns. Have a happy,

restful and peaceful Christmas break.

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Mrs Hills, Pastoral Leader Year 9

Year 9

Mr Steele, Associate Assistant Principal,

Pastoral Leader Year 10,

Year 10


Well done to the 45 pupils who received a postcard in

Assembly on the 4th December. These pupils were chosen

for having made the best effort from their recent progress

reports, not just on their results.


This term we have had ESCG and Claremont presenting

about post 16 transition and a presentation to Year 11 about

apprenticeships. We have had National Grief Awareness

Week as well as hymn practice and a look at the seven

principles of Catholic Social teaching.

College Applications

175 college applications have been sent off so far to local

colleges via eprospectus, which means 30 pupils have still

yet to complete their applications. Please encourage your

son/daughter to have all their applications completed and

submitted by the 16th December at the latest.

After School Intervention

After a trial of different methods to ensure as much

intervention as possible is available to Year 11 we are

sticking to the current model which has History/Geography

and MFL alternating on Mondays, Maths and Science

alternating on Wednesdays, RE and Science alternating

on Thursdays and Options running on Fridays. All these

sessions are from 3:15-4pm and available to all unless

otherwise specified.

Morning Intervention

Morning Intervention will reconvene in January and I will

be sending out the rota on a weekly basis via My Weekly


Mock Exams Round 2

Mock Exams round 2 begin on 27th January so attendance

of all Intervention/Revision sessions is vital and has veen

proven to make a big difference to the results of pupils in

previous years. I have blank weekly revision blank rotas

available on the Year 11 Google Classroom for pupils to use

to plan their personal revision.

Final Examinations Timetable:

Please click here for the GCSE Examinations timetable

for Summer 2025. A reminder that all JCQ documents that

pupils, parents and carers should become familiar with are

available here.

I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Safeguarding and Pupil Wellbeing

Year 11

Mr R Doherty, Assistant Principal Pastoral Leader Year 11

St Richard’s pupils have been working on a series of workshops

to share their views on the impact of the cost of living crisis for

young people. In October, some of the pupils involved were able to

travel to London and present the Child Lock report to Number 10

Downing Street. Pupils shared their views in a live panel at the Save

the Children HQ, participated in a workshop at the Department for

Education engaging with members of the Poverty Task Force and

answered questions with the Secretary of State for Education. The

pupils were confident and articulate and were able to follow a piece of

work through from initial stages to presenting this to the Prime Minister.

In the build up to the Christmas period, it is important to remember

that for some children and families, this festive time may bring times

of sadness or worry. If you have concerns for your child or would like

to access some support over the Christmas period, please consider

contacting some of the services below. We wish you a safe and

peaceful Christmas. Mrs Dann, Pastoral Support Manager / DSL


Parents 0800 1111

0300 0030 130 or email:


01323 315005 or email:

Text SHOUT to 85258.

0808 802 5544 Telephone: 116 123 Email:

Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option to be connected to a 24/7 mental health crisis line

If you need urgent medical help please contact 999 for an ambulance or attend the nearest A and E service.

This term the Wellbeing Ambassadors have been very busy running events for Anti-Bullying

week which ran from 11th - 15th November. This year's theme was Respect. Jack, Evanna,

Olivia, Tuleah, Elli, Khloe, Yasmin, Aliya, Alna and Destiny all presented excellent assemblies

on this theme. We also ran a multi craft session as part of our Time to Talk Tuesday Club. This

brings together pupils from all years to be able to make friends, chat to Wellbeing Ambassadors

and make amazing things. The best part of the week was 'odd sock day', a nationwide initiative

to say No to Bullying. Pupils all joined in and so did staff. The staff winners have to be Mrs

Hollands and Mrs Byrne, excellent effort! Many thanks to all the pupils who took part in the

Antibullying Poem competition. There were some amazing poems and we will be laminating

them and putting them up outside the Hive (our Wellbeing Hub). However, we had to have

some winners! Well done to Sienna-Rose, Yasmin, Jewel, Olga, Ophelia, Scarlett, Rose, Luke,

Tobenna, Arto, Talan, Jem and Carlo. Poets in the making!

The Student Council did so well selling poppies this year and we are very proud of how many

they were able to sell.

The Heads and Deputy Heads of House are currently busy taking names from pupils who want

to take part in the third 'Great St Richards Bake Off'. This competition is fantastic for winning

valuable House Points and some amazing creations happen. Photographs and winners will be in

the next Newsletter.

We continue to meet together as a Pupil Leadership Team and look forward to welcoming Mr

Barber to our next one.

We are also looking forward to our big coffee morning on February 6th. Time to Talk Day is the

nation's biggest mental health conversation and we will be taking part with the help of our Pupil

Leadership Team and raising money for good causes.

Mrs Taylor-Singfield, Pastoral Teaching Assistant

Pupil Leadership


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Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Remembrance Day was marked in the library by a display of library

resources and photographs exploring the subject of War and supported

by two book lists. Fiction writers such as Michael Morpurgo, Sam Angus

and Theresa Breslin have drawn extensively on this topic for inspiration,

helping pupils to understand and empathise with those caught in

confusing and terrible circumstances. Non-fiction on this subject helps our

young historians to unpick the complexities of war and is a useful support

to those doing GCSE History.

New Stock in the Library

We have recently invested in a range of travel guides to boost our Geography non-fiction. Many of these

contain maps or free e-guides and are filled with historical, cultural and geographical information - with

lots and lots of lovely pictures of peoples and places in other lands. These are available for loan and will

be useful for pupils studying other countries as well as those planning future holidays.

A Book is Not Just for Christmas… As Christmas approaches, remember that

the gift of a book or book token is perhaps the best gift you could buy for a child.

Perhaps choose something you enjoyed as a child, and pass on your enthusiasm

for the story or author, or if you are unsure what to buy, try thinking about the kinds

of films, games or television programmes the child enjoys, and buy something

along similar lines. Books offer good value for money, and are less transient than

so many other gifts. All reading is good, all reading increases vocabulary and

facility with language, and all reading has a direct effect on exam grades.

And finally… The librarians of St Richard’s wish everyone in our school community and beyond a beautiful, quiet and

thoughtful festive season. Enjoy the break with your families and lots of books!

Ms Tocknell, Librarian

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024


Year 11 Mass

Year 11 had their final mass celebrated by Fr Simon who

reminded them to never forget they are part of a community

long after they leave St Richard’s - the community of

God. It was a great chance for the newly commissioned

Extraordinary Minister of Communion - Year 11 Caritas

Leaders Dan, Michelle and Henry to put into practice the

training they did with Deacon Simon South.


Year 7 Mass of Induction

The wonderful occasion that is our Year 7 Mass of Induction

took place on 19th October. It's always a joy to see how

much effort and commitment the Year 7s put into creating

this Mass of celebration. Once again, our Performing Arts

Department put in many hours of rehearsal to produce

some beautiful music, dance and drama to really reflect our

theme of friendship and community. We were joined by Fr

Kevin, Fr Chris and Fr Eamonn and Deacon Eugene formally

welcoming Year 7 into our community. Fr Kevin offered a

blessing on the pupils and their families for the next five

years here at St Richard’s. Many thanks to the PTFA for

providing refreshments and allowing pupils and parents a

chance to mingle after the Mass.

Form Liturgies

This term, we bade a fond farewell to Fr Simon Dray as

he led his final Mass at St Richard’s with 10F & 10R. It

was wonderful to have a chance to say farewell, and thank

him for all his hard work in our school. Mrs Stanford’s form

used this Mass to present the foodbank with a cheque for

money raised as part of their form charity, which Mr Delaney

accepted on behalf of the Bexhill Foodbank.

We welcomed our new Parish Priest, Fr Stephen O’Brien,

with a form Mass with 10L & 10I who had spent a lot of

time learning about St Martin of Tours whose feast fell on

that day of the Mass. They focused their Mass around our

Catholic Social Teaching of Preferential Options for the

Poor, The Common Good, Dignity and Solidarity, using the

story of Martin of Tours and how he recognised Jesus in

the poor man he gave his cloak to. Special thanks must go

to the musicians of the two forms who came together and

created a worship band, leading the music for the Mass.

Many thanks to Mrs Potter for supporting this wonderful

introduction to St Richard’s for Fr Stephen.

As we enter the season of Advent, we look forward to the arrival of Jesus on Christmas morning. Here in school, we offered

the Sacrament of Reconciliation to all pupils on December 6th. Preparations are under way for our annual Advent Service in

the school hall on Thursday, 19th December, and we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to help us finish

the term ready for our Christmas celebrations.


As usual we marked Remembrance Day. The 2 minute

silence was held and outside in the playground and was

respectfully observed by a very packed hall of pupils of

all years. The History department prepared slides to be

shown at the start of each lesson regarding people who

had an impact on the many wars. We ensure that we do

not forget the sacrifice and suffering of those who fought

for our freedom. Most poignant, was the Last Post played

beautifully by Miguel.

Rotary Tea Party - Our Caritas Leaders were involved

with helping at the Rotary Tea Party for the Elderly and

really enjoyed the experience.

Pupils supported the Rotary Club with signing in the

guests and serving refreshments. Caritas Captain Misha

led the group in entertaining the guests by singing and

much enjoyment was had when the musical entertainment

began with our pupils jumping up and jiving with some of

the guests.

As we approach the Christmas holidays may I wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all

in the New Year.

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024


Mrs Knight, Teacher of Dance

Induction Mass

It was so lovely to see the Year 7 Dance Company take to

the stage for the first time this year. For many Year 7s this

was the first time they had performed in front of an audience.

They performed a beautiful lyrical piece, ‘Chosen Family’,

showing Year 7 beginning their journey at St Richard’s,

making friends and becoming a family and community. I

would like to congratulate all that took part, either performing

or helping backstage.

Prize Evening

Congratulations to Millie for receiving the Dance cup at Prize evening. Millie was awarded the prize for

her commitment to the Dance Company, for her achievements and progress and for her ambassador

role for the Dance Company. She has been a devoted member of the Dance Company since Year 7.

Millie never missed a performance in the 5 years she attended St Richard’s. She also has been part of

the Trinity Laban Cat programme and has been an outstanding choreographer, achieving a grade 8 in

her GCSE Dance and a Level 2 Distinction in her BTEC Performing Arts (Dance Approach). We wish

Millie lots of luck in the future and look forward to following her Dance career.

Trinity Laban

Year 10 and 11 BTEC pupils have had the opportunity this term

to work at Trinity Laban on a creative/choreographic focus. This

has supported their exam coursework looking at the generation

of material from different stimuli.They have been working on

the idea of folding and unfolding as a creative stimulus. Both

groups will now be able to take forward all they have learnt

into their own creative process during their BTEC course and

external exam.

South Coast Ballet

Eliza and Anna recently took part in South Coast Ballet’s

production of Alice in Wonderland at the Congress Theatre

in Eastbourne. Oliwia worked backstage at the theatre,

having the opportunity to work alongside the professional

technical team creating props and sets. South Coast Ballet

aims to create and perform innovative and influential

dance, bringing together some of the brightest dance

talents from across Sussex, giving access to opportunities

within the theatre and classical ballet workshops.

Congratulations to all the girls who danced so beautifully

and Oliwia and Carla who showed a professional approach

to being part of the backstage crew.

Youth SVP

Caritas Captain and St Richard’s Youth SVP President Jack has been

busy this term organising a meeting with Chris and Claire from St

Vincent de Paul, Bexhill, alongside Jo to make plans for the year ahead.

Lots of exciting ideas including helping them with their new appeal logo,

a Sleep Out event for the Summer term and our support of the TEA@3

event. Jack organised for Chris and Claire to join a Year 8 assembly

where he and fellow members Gabriela and Olivia explained what St

Vincent De Paul Society is and what Youth SVP is, and how they can

get involved. We look forward to a new group of Youth SVP joining to

keep up the great work of the current Year 9s and 10s.

Jo Doyle - Lay Chaplain


Please click here for the brainteasers and puzzles

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Newsletter 3 - December 2024



Term 1 saw Year 7 geographers swapping

the classroom for the streets of Bexhill. They

studied two contrasting locations, comparing and

contrasting their geographical characteristics. Our

pupils independently collected and analysed data,

developing critical thinking and problem-solving

skills. Year 8 students transformed into coastal

scientists, investigating the dynamic forces

shaping our coastline at Bexhill beach. They

explored the fascinating processes of erosion,

deposition and transportation, and learned about

the delicate balance between human intervention

and natural forces. Pupils put their fieldwork skills

to the test, collecting valuable data for analysis

back in the classroom.

Green Team

The Green Team has been

flourishing this year, with a fantastic

influx of enthusiastic new members.

Building on last year's successes,

the team has recently completed an

Year 11 revision

Don’t forget, Year 11 after-school revision sessions

are open to all pupils on Mondays 3.15-4.00pm.

Every fortnight, we focus on a particular area of

GCSE content. Just check the timetables on the

Geography classroom doors, or on EduLink. By

attending these sessions you can improve your

understanding of key concepts, practice exam

questions and develop effective revision strategies.

energy audit and environmental review to identify

areas where we can reduce our environmental

impact. They're also busy planning exciting charity

events and implementing new recycling initiatives.

What’s happening in class?

As we come towards the end of Term 2 I would like to pass on how

very proud I have been of our pupils as the vast majority continue to

work extremely hard both in class and at home on this subject. You

will be rewarded for your efforts in future assessments, and your hard

work will ensure that many doors open up for you when you have to

make decisions about your future.

Year 7 pupils have continued in their new sets. All pupils are

following the same scheme of work but focussing on different areas,

depending on the prior knowledge of the pupils in the class. The

majority of assessments in Year 7 are taken by the whole cohort.

This means that pupils in lower sets may have scores which appear

low but actually demonstrate a good understanding of the topic

covered. Exposing pupils to tougher assessments lower down in

their secondary school career is one of the ways in which we aim

to prepare pupils for the demanding GCSE exams they will face in

Year 11. All pupils in Years 7 and 8 should have taken around 3 unit

assessments since the start of the year, Years 9 and 10 should have

taken around 2. Each one has a yellow feedback form from their

teacher. This includes some comments from their teacher, areas

for self-reflection and some further practice on topics your child

had found more challenging - with the aim of supporting greater

understanding of the unit post-assessment.

Please take a look at your child’s assessments and their feedback

from their teacher and sign the bottom of the yellow forms to

acknowledge receipt of them.


Year 11 pupils have completed their first set of mock exams. Although

there were many excellent results, a significant number of pupils will

have been disappointed by theirs. They must remember that this is

the point of mock exams, to make mistakes and then learn from them

so that future exams go better. This was their first attempt at a real

GCSE exam series in exam conditions. They now need to use their

QLA sheet (a review of their exam performance) to independently

revise their weaker topics and prepare for their next set of mock

exams begin at the end of January. Teachers will now analyse the

mock performance of their classes and use the results to plan the

content of their lessons between now and the next set of exams. All

teachers provide intervention sessions after school on Wednesdays.

Please contact the teachers directly if you have any questions about

your child’s progress in the subject.

Year 11 Maths Inspiration Visit

This year’s topics included probability, statistics and art. All speakers

were highly engaging and I hope that all pupils took something away

from the day, and seriously consider continuing their Mathematical

studies into A-Level and beyond. Please follow this link to a

document that talks more about the speakers and content, as well as

further information regarding studying Mathematics post 16.

On Monday, 2nd December, 15

Year 11 pupils went to London for

a Maths Inspiration event. The

aim of this was to expose pupils

to the application of Maths in the

real world, as well as to encourage

enjoyment of ‘doing Maths’.

Garden Club

Our Garden Club has been busy! Pupils have

been harvesting delicious vegetables including

broad beans, onions and pumpkins from our

garden. To make room for a new rock garden,

the club members cleared the bank, removing

weeds and debris. We can't wait to see the

finished garden. We've also been preparing

raised beds for wildflowers which will attract

pollinators and beautify our outdoor space.

Mr Jacobs - Subject Leader for Maths

Mr Skilton, Subject Leader of Geography

All the Learning Support team would like to wish our pupils

the very best of luck, and to remember to revise and rest in

equal measure!

Lunchtime Clubs

As we move into chillier weather, we now have two

separate lunchtime clubs open every day, always

supervised by a member of our SEND team. Please see

below for the rooming timetable:



















All of us in the SEND team wish you a very happy end of

term, and a wonderful Christmas and New Year break. We

look forward to being back and seeing you in January!

Mr Smith & the Learning Support department


(Special Educational Needs

and Disabilities)

Year 11 – Mock Exam

Our Year 11 pupils are currently between their first and second

sets of mock GCSE exams. Mrs Di Mascio and I met with

some learners earlier in December to talk about revision

routines and strategies, planning time during exams, and

making full use of exam support (also known as ‘access


Are you still thinking, “I don’t know how to revise”?

A few tips:

Remember that a good revision session on a topic should

last for 20-30 minutes, and you should switch to a different

topic/subject after 30 mins max.

Always produce something as a result of each 20-30

minute session- do not just read and re-read your notes!



Try making a mind map on a topic.


Time yourself completing part of the exam paper

(including extra time, if you have it).


Turn a page of a textbook or revision guide into a

spider-diagram or a page of notes.

Finally, remember that if you have extra time for exams,

ensure that you use this to add to your answer, make

changes and corrections or re-read your work thoroughly.

Similarly, you might have access to a laptop or rest breaks

– practice completing any practice tasks at home in a

similar way, so that you know what to expect on the day.

Upcoming events

Thursday, 9th January, 5pm – 7pm:

Year 9 Curriculum Evening. Mr Smith will be available on

the evening to discuss option choices with you and your


Thursday, 23rd January, 4pm – 7pm:

Year 9 Parents’ Evening. Parents/carers of pupils on our

SEND Register will be invited to make appointments with

Mr Smith in advance of the evening.

Page 9

Newsletter 3 - December 2024


I have included examples of the fabulous artwork that our Key

Stage 3 pupils are producing in their sketchbooks. Year 7 are

analysing tonality, texture, watercolour, pattern, and Japanese

ceramicist Takuro Kuwata. They are now designing their

amazing ceramic pinch pots. Year 8 pupils are designing their

coil pots in clay, studying the artwork of the Minoan dynasty,

graphic design, and Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. Year 9 are

developing their natural form studies, looking at observational

nature. Year 10 Fine Art pupils are successfully working in their

sketchbooks with beautiful results, and Art Craft and Design

puils have just constructed fabulous sculptures inspired by

Kate Malone. Please do have a look at our pupils’ wonderful

artwork on the St Richard’s Art Department website here and

on X here. Thank you and keep creating!

Mr Peachment, Subject Leader of Art

The Old Chapel

Have you visited the Old Chapel recently? Things are

changing – please drop by (between A3 and the SEN OfÏce)

to see what’s new!


Making Notes in the Library

The wonderful Ella in Year 7

performed a varied programme

to pupils and staff in the library

at the end of last term. Her

emotive playing left us in awe of

her phenomenal musicianship.

Informal Lunchtime Concerts in the Hall

Fancy challenging yourself to perform in front of others

but a little nervous? Come and speak to Mrs Potter to play

a little extract of something that you have been teaching

yourself to play on the piano or a riff you have learnt in your

lessons with Adam?

Glyndebourne Orchestra Workshop

Musicians from our orchestra were given the fantastic

opportunity to meet musicians from Glyndebourne Orchestra.

They delighted us with a beautiful, varied concert of a new

composition and a horn concerto. We then had the opportunity

to rehearse ‘Sleigh Ride’ with the Glyndebourne musicians

playing alongside our pupils!

Page 10

Newsletter 3 - December 2024

Les Choristes

50 members of the school choir were selected to sing at

the FILM Concert a few weeks ago alongside the Hastings

Sinfonia, Derk Carden and Polo Piatti. The choir sang three

beautiful songs from the film ‘Les Choristes’. These were all

in French. Our very own Miss Tester (French teacher) and

myself (Mrs Byrne) prepared these pupils for over two months

for this prestigious concert and they did not disappoint. It

was outstanding, so much so they received an encore!! Both

Miss Tester and myself are extremely proud of what they all

achieved on that day. We will be singing two of these songs at

the Advent Service too.

Piano and Voice Recital

We had the pleasure of hosting our annual Piano & Voice

Recital at the beginning of this term. We are so lucky

to have such great peripatetic teachers in our school

who provide such excellent teaching for our pupils. Both

Helen Ridout and Lizzii Hills worked solidly with our

pianists and vocalists to produce an evening of high

quality performances. It was a joy to witness. Well done

to all of our musicians involved. We look forward to more

performances in our annual music concert in March.

We are pleased to have welcomed the musicians from the

British Army who performed for the whole of the Year 8 cohort.

We have been focussing on BRASS instruments with this year

group and hope that some of them will take the opportunity to

come to Brass Club after Christmas or have some instrumental

lessons to further develop their playing. We have been really

encouraged by their progress this term. Well done, Year 8.

Exam Results:

Congratulations to:

Miguel - Grade 8 Piano Pass

Sholto - Grade 2 Piano Merit

Emilia in Year 8 represented

Hastings and East Sussex

with 993 other children from

around the country playing

the violin at the Royal Albert


Coming up…..

Annual Music Concert

March 6th

Mrs Byrne, Subject Leader Music

Conducting Workshop with Dr Shelley Katz and


During the first week of this term we were extremely

lucky to have Dr Shelley Katz at St Richard’s to deliver

a conducting workshop for 14 of our musicians. Pupils

learnt how to conduct in 2,3 and 4 beat patterns. They

used batons and had a chance to use the innovative

conducting programme that he had invented.

That same evening pupils, staff and parents/carers were

invited to a concert to listen to a collection of suppressed

musical works from the Holocaust. We learnt the stories of

brave musicians, who fought to keep music alive in such

a difÏcult time and listened to the premier of these works

performed by Dr Shelley Katz with his conducting software

as well as hearing the beautiful voice of Adaya Peled.

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